Prateek Tripathy

Final year undergrad, VSSUT Burla,
Information Technology, Batch of 2022

Looking for full time opportunities. Take a look at my resume here.
Interested in Cloud Computing and Backend Web Development.
Open source contributor,Co-founder , AstroSonic, LiFT Scholar 2021.

Things I have done

A short list of things I am really passionate about. I love working on new technologies and taking up challenges.

  • Fullstack Development
  • Cloud Computing
  • Open Source Contribution
  • Hackathons
  • Competitive Programming
  • Machine Learning

Some of my Projects

Microservices Store

E Commerce store made using React Js & Node Js and added support with Docker & Kubernetes for scalability & reliability.


App that takes you home safely. Web application built using Node Js and Express Js.
Uses Machine Learning algorithms & Google Maps API to predict a safer route to travel.


Network discovery client written in Go.
Finds nameservers, ip address, and CNAME of websites without using any additional dependencies.

Liked what you have seen so far?

Take a look at the rest of the things I am currently working upon here!

Work Experience

  • Open Source Contributor, Layer5

    September'20 - March'21
    Layer5 is an open-source community developing service meshes.
    I actively contributed using technologies like JavaScript, Go, and Graph QL.

  • Fullstack Intern, NURSD LLC

    August'20 - October'20
    Worked on their application using Apollo, PostgreSQL and designed APIs for workflows using GraphQL

  • ML Intern, Digital Tesseract

    May'20 - June'20
    Responsible for Data analysis and creating Machine Learning content at Digital Tesseract.

  • ML Intern, CDAC Pune

    December'19 - January'20
    Developed parallel applications using Open MP and MPI
    Used Machine Learning for an Image Recognition Project.

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