Microservices Store
E Commerce store made using React Js & Node Js and added support with Docker & Kubernetes for scalability & reliability.
Open Source mentor at
Interested in Cloud, DevOps & Backend Development.
Final year undergrad, VSSUT Burla,
Information Technology,
Batch of 2022
Looking for full time opportunities. Take a look at my resume
Interested in Cloud Computing and Backend Web Development.
Open source contributor,Co-founder ,
AstroSonic, LiFT Scholar 2021.
A short list of things I am really passionate about. I love working on new technologies and taking up challenges.
E Commerce store made using React Js & Node Js and added support with Docker & Kubernetes for scalability & reliability.
App that takes you home safely. Web application built using Node Js and Express Js.
Uses Machine Learning algorithms & Google Maps API to predict a safer route to travel.
Network discovery client written in Go.
Finds nameservers, ip address, and CNAME of websites without using any additional dependencies.
Take a look at the rest of the things I am currently working upon here!